
Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Cara buat Blog keren mirip Website


Bagi teman-teman yang masih belajar membuat blog, saya coba share sedikit info dalam membuat blog yang tampilannya mirip website. Pertama-tama cari di google macam-macam template dengan keyword “template blogger”.

Setelah itu pilih template yang kamu sukai, jangan lupa pilih yang free(gratis). Nah, silahkan Download. File biasanya dalam format Winrar, jadi "Extract File" dulu. Selanjutnya buka file yang berekstension (xml)(klik kanan, lalu open with NOTEPAD), kemudian copy semua kode. Nah selanjutnya buka blogmu dan cari menu edit html.

Di menu edit HTML, hapus semua kode lalu masukkan kode template yang anda copy tadi lalu save. Setelah save selesai tampilan blog anda telah berubah, dan jangan kaget kalau anda kagum dengan hasil kreasi blog anda. Namun, bila belum puas juga dengan tampilannya, kamu bisa ganti dengan tampilan lain. Caranya sama dengan yang baru anda baca di atas.

Setelah anda merubah tampilan blog, jangan lupa memback up data dan gadget sebab setelah tampilan di SAVE, data dan gadget anda akan hilang

Blog ini adalah blog design saya sendiri yang notabene adalah pemula. Jadi kalau bagi anda kurang menarik, dimaklumi saja. Dan tak ada salahnya kamu juga mencoba.

Good Luck and Keep Smiling :D

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

The Sound of Death

Title : The Sound of Death

Characters :

1. Lavilo 5. Ahjum

2. Lavila 6. Iwan

3. Qwill 7. Ajar

4. Fiand

Summary :

Qwill and his friends had just moved to Iwan’s house. That was an old house with a hidden secret inside. Qwill and friends didn’t realize that there was a powerful figure noticed them every night. In the first night, the signal of the danger came to warn them. It came through a sound of music which they heard in sad melody, but they didn’t care. They thought, it was a sound of music from the neighbor’s house.

The next day, Qwill found an old guitar in a ware behind the house. As he played the guitar, the wind suddenly blew faster and brought cool weather. Qwill was surprised but he kept bringing the guitar inside the house. At night, Fiand also played the guitar. A second after he picked the strings, the wind blew faster, the cool weather filled the room, the curtain in the window wagged and a sound of music in sad rhythm appeared slowly. They fell into silence. Then, they realized that there was something wrong with the guitar. Didn’t want to get more problem, they decided to go to bed and planned to return the guitar back to the warehouse in the next following day. In the room, when Qwill had just slept for five minutes, he got a nightmare. A black figure of man came to his dream and asked for his guitar. The figure was very angry and he chopped Qwill’s neck hardly. Qwill woke up while holding his neck panicky. He felt pain on his throat like it wasn’t a dream. In few minutes then, Fiand screamed asking for help while holding his throat. It seemed like he tried to release something from his neck. Qwill woke him up by wagging Fiand’s body hardly. When Fiand woke up, they knew that they got a same dream. Then, they ran to see the guitar in the living room but they didn’t find it. They were very surprise but they also thanked. They thought that the owner of the guitar had taken his guitar and wouldn’t disturb them anymore.

In the third night, they got more surprising experience. When they were gathering in the living room, suddenly their ear caught the sound of music again. The sound that they thought won’t they heard anymore. They all fell into silence. The sound faded slowly and stopped. As the sound of music disappeared, another sound shocked them. “Braak!!!” There was something fell down in the room. They ran to the room and they saw a guitar lied down on the floor. The guitar was back. Qwill checked the guitar and he saw a note in the bottom of the guitar. Ahjum read the note: “The Sound of Death: You Pick, I’ll pick up you. The note really frightened them. Iwan asked to check again the guitar. In the stomach of the guitar, they found an old scroll. The scroll was a brief letter. Then they read it.

”Too cruel… All the devils around…I hate them all…

I want to be a good man but no one received me…

Okay, I accept this cruelness… but I will not stop.

I heritage my soul…”The Sound of Death

Who pick it; I will come to pick up you

It is time to revenge… you play, you die”


After reading the letter, they knew that the guitar was a cursed guitar and they were in a danger situation. So, they decided to leave the house for a while and asked Iwan to meet his uncle to get information about all they had experienced.

Three days later, they gathered again in the house to hear what Iwan got from his uncle. From iwan’s story they knew that three years ago, the house was rented by a man namely Lavilo. He was a single man. He had a guitar and loved his guitar so much. He played guitar loudly every night in midnight. All his neighbors around felt bothered with the noise. They warned Lavilo play softly. He ignored all his neighbor’s complain. One day, he joined an audition as guitarist in a competition but he failed. He fell into depression. It caused him played guitar crazily in the night until the dawn came. He did it almost every night. The neighbors planned to stop Lavilo. When, Lavilo was not at home, some people came to the house and broke Lavilo’s guitar. They broke all the strings and left the house before Lavilo came. No one knew what was going on when Lavilo came back to his house and saw his guitar. The neighbors only knew that the house became empty after that incident. They did not see Lavilo anymore. No one knew where he was. He disappeared. But one week later, every night, people heard sound of music but they did not know who played it. The most surprising was one by one the person who broke Lavilo’s guitar were found die near the warehouse. Since the dead bodies found, no more people wanted to rent the house. However, one day, unlucky couple of marriage who didn’t know the story rented the house. One week later, people found them died while hugging the guitar. Iwan’s uncle decided to take the guitar and threw far away from the house, but it used to be back. Iwan’s uncle then, put the guitar into the warehouse and locked it. Since no one played the guitar, no one died near the house anymore even though the sound of music still listened in the night.

After hearing the story, they knew that their life was at risk. The guitar was back and it would take victims. They didn’t have any choice. They promised to face all the possibility that might be happened.

In the next following day, Fiand and friends got a guest. They all were shocked when the guest said that his name was Lavila and he looked for his brother Lavilo. He said that Lavilo came to his dream and needed help to be free from his avenged. He also gave a clue that the guitar should be returned to the warehouse between 1 until 3 A.M on Friday. That really brought fresh air for Fiand and friends.

On Thursday night, Qwill, Fiand, Ajar, Ahjum, Iwan and Lavila stayed up. They waited for the time to return the guitar. When they were waiting, suddenly Lavilo appeared in his devil shape. He was very angry. Qwill and friends couldn’t run away. They fell into fighting. Lavilo was too strong for them. He smashed all the people around him. Fiand, Ajar, Ahjum, Iwan , Qwill and lavila got strike hardly. Lavilo was getting angrier. He was ready to kill Qwill and Fiand. Fortunately, Qwill got the guitar and he beat Lavilo with the guitar. As Lavilo saw his guitar wanted to be broken, he disappeared. Lavila commanded to bring the guitar to the warehouse. With all the power left, all ran to the warehouse immediately. As the guitar put on its place, suddenly something moved in the floor. A rectangle hole filled their eyes. Inside the hole, there was a coffin lied. When they opened it, they saw a skeleton in dressed. After discussing with Lavila, they decided to bury Lavilo’s skeleton near the warehouse. They put “The sound of Death” with him into his grave. On the grave, they also planted a small pine tree and named it as “Lavilo Pine”.

Few days after that harrowing night, they repair the warehouse. No more sound of music found behind the house but in the living room. They had bought a new guitar. They named it “Sound of Guitar 2” to commemorate Lavilo. The entire story about the scary night itself never told to anyone else. They kept it secret as a harrowing memory in their life. They never talked about that even though the shadow of it still stacked in their memory. “The Lavilo Pine” and “The Sound of Death 2” was enough for them to remember the panic mimic of their own face. They grew in that house as the pine grew in silence. Deep inside their heart, they hope Lavilo rested in peace in his new life.

Summarized by:


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